
Workshop: Interpretation of the Dreams

Workshop: Interpretation of the Dreams

Tuesday, Sep 21, 2021

4:00pm – 6:00pm

How does our unconscious mind work? Origin of unconscious wish

The “Interpretation of the Dreams” (1900) is the cornerstone of Psychoanalysis. The objective of this workshop is help you understand how the unconscious mind works. We will go through some of the key mechanisms of the psychic apparatus and its implications .

There will be 6 sessions:

  1. INTERPRETATION OF DREAMS : After, interpretation all dreams are the fulfilment of an unconscious wish
  2. DREAM OF IRMA: Example of the interpretation fo a dream
  3. TYPICAL DREAMS: Why do we have typical Dreams? Comfort dreams. Death of a loved one. Failing an exam we have already passed Psychical reality vs.objective reality
  4. DREAMS OF DEATH and NIGHTMARES: How can they be the fulfilment of a wish? Why do we have them? Nightmares and repetition.
  5. UNCONSCIOUS WISH: ENGINE OF DREAMS: Oedipus Complex and repression Origin of unconscious wish
  6. DREAM’S WORK: Latent and manifest (reality is not what it seems : dreams of death of loved ones). Dreams distortion (dreams disguise the wish to go through censor) . Sessions are interactive and you will have the chance to ask as many questions as you want.

Please contact me before registering to confirm dates and availability.


Event Location


Event Fees

£ 110.00

Total Seats


Remaining Seats