I have come up with a method to apply psychoanalysis to business and its processes. My mission is to make CEOs,’ Directors’, managers’ and freelances’ jobs easier, supporting them to improve the productivity, creativity and overall wellbeing of the employees, in the workplace but also in their personal lives.
Business struggle not with technical skills but with the idea of collaborating with others and accepting that others will benefit from our work. Despite the efforts of the companies to put supportive policies in place and try to promote an open and collaborative culture, it is very difficult to change the mindset of the employees, no matter if they are C-level executives, managers or trainees.
Unconscious bias, lack of motivation, problems of communication, intolerance… and even throwing colleagues under the bus happen everyday.
I believe mental health is a key topic. At the moment, most of the companies are at initial stages, trying to put things together. There are many alternatives and it is easy to feel overwhelmed. It is a complex topic and many things need to be taken into account: the company message, the various people involved and the long term strategy of the company.
My angle (read my publication):
1. Listening, that is my tool. It is not any listening, it is professional listening based on the theory of psychoanalysis : reality is different from what we think. Psychoanalytical listening allows interpreting reality allowing self-knowledge and transformation.
When we are intolerant, we become deaf and blind. What are the benefits of the psychoanalytical coaching? Make the most of the psychic energy and set limits to narcissism. This leads to better performance as enables you to align all our contradictory tendencies. We all have contradictory tendencies in ourselves. Aligning energy with reality is a source of health, success and growth. It is necessary to set limits to narcissism: when we work for our own individual interests, we get very poor results; when we work for the colective interests, we have great results and we are able to maintain them in the long run.
2. “Educating”(in a cool way) people on psychoanalysis: method to know ourselves through the study of the functioning of our mind. That knowledge (about ourselves and others) can be applied to personal and professional life, as well as decision-making, personnel selection and artistic processes.
It is an innovative tool. It is an asset we give to the employees for their benefit but also a benefit for the company as people would perform better and we could get better results. Psychoanalytical coaching and “training” prevent disease.
How can psychoanalytical coaching help?
- Preparing you for life in the future: being a good professional today does not guarantee that you will continue being a good professional in 5 years time. Society changes at such a speed, it is impossible to know, how things will change. Now, more than ever, it is essential, to be able to adapt to change. This is where psychoanalytical coaching can help you not only going through change without fear but also, seeing the chances in those changes and making the most of them.
- At the end of the day, personal relationships in business can determine the failure or success of a project. It is key that our personal relationships, feelings and emotions, do not interfere in our day to day job. Psychoanalytical coaching helps you take distance and use your emotions in a positive way.
- There is a clear link between our physical and psychical energy. When we feel tired, when we have lack of energy, it is because our psychic energy is placed outside reality, in anger, fear or phantasies for example. Psychoanalytical coaching helps you move energy, allocating it in the right place so that you can become effective and efficient in all your life aspects.
The method would be group or individual sessions.